Caynham Parish Council covers the villages and surrounding areas of Caynham, Clee Hill, Dhustone and Knowbury,
Caynham is the oldest and original village in the Parish, (many years ago it was spelt GAINHAM), gives its name to the council and is approximetly 2 km from Ludlow.
Caynham has a community website which can be viewed from the this link Caynham Village
Knowbury is situated approximetly 6 km from Ludlow and 2 km from Clee Hill Village.
Clee Hill is the second highest village in England at 1,249 feet above sea level and is approximetly 8 km from Ludlow.
Dhustone is a hamlet in Parish on the slopes of Titterstone Clee and is a designated Conservation Area.
The Caynham Parish area covers approximetly 2,567 acres, or 1,039 hectares.
There are eleven seats on Caynham Parish Council which is split into two electoral wards (Clee Ward 6 Councillors and Knowbury Ward 5 Councillors).
Councillors are elected every four years (next election May 2017), the position is purely voluntary and attracts no payment. (see Councillors Page)
Neighbourhood Details about Caynham Parish can be obtained on the following link: Census 2011
Use the Shropshire Council Local View Interactive Mapping Service which provides access to a wide range of information about services and facilities in the local area: LocalView
If you have any questions that you would like answered, views that you would like to share or spot a problem that needs reporting in the Parish contact the Clerk to the Parish Council.
Parish Council meetings are normally held bi-monthly at Knowbury Memorial Hall on the first Monday of the month.
Members of the public are welcome to attend and listen to discussions. Up to 15 minutes is set aside within the meeting for "public participation" when members of the public can speak on items on the agenda at the discretion of the Chairman.
For more information about where and when our next meeting is held please see the "Meetings" page. The Agenda is published at least 3 working days before the next meeting.
The Parish Councils Parish Boundary can be seen on the attached pdf: and there is also a Welcome available produced by Clee Hill Village Forum in pdf: