Shropshire Council: Draft Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD) consultation - Type and Affordability of Housing, Natural Environment and Historic Environment SPDs
Shropshire Council is inviting representations on three draft Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD) between 18 March 2016 and 5pm on 29 April 2016. The SPDs provide more detailed advice and guidance on the policies included in the Local Plan (the adopted Core Strategy and Site Allocations and Management of Development Plan). The draft SPDs cover issues relating to: the Type and Affordability of Housing, the Natural Environment and the Historic Environment.
What is being consulted on?
- Draft Type and Affordability of Housing SPD – guidance for the implementation of housing policies relating to the type, mix and design of housing, affordable housing contributions and exception sites, agricultural workers dwellings, houses in multiple occupation and Gypsy and Traveller accommodation;
- Draft Natural Environment SPD – guidance for the implementation of policies to protect, conserve and enhance the natural environment. Guidance is provided on: assessing the effects of development proposals on Shropshire’s natural assets; the type of information needed to support a planning application to ensure significant adverse effects are avoided, mitigated, or compensated for, background to the interaction between nationally and internationally protected areas, sites, species, features and the planning system.
- Draft Historic Environment SPD - guidance that expands upon and explains historic environment policies. Guidance is provided on how to assess the effects of proposed developments on heritage assets; background on both designated and non-designated assets and what to do if harm is likely to cause an adverse effect on the significance of a heritage asset(s).
Where to view the documents:
The draft SPDs are available to view on the Council’s the ’Get involved’ web page via:
How to respond:
Please respond between 18 March 2016 and 5pm on 29 April 2016. Responses received after 5pm on 29 April will not be considered. Please respond via e-mail to: [email protected] with the name of draft SPD you are commenting on in the subject heading and the particular SPD chapter/paragraph/ section you are commenting on quoted in the text. Alternatively please respond via post to:Planning Policy Team Shropshire Council Shirehall Abbey Foregate Shrewsbury Shropshire SY2 6ND