Clerk: Mr. C E Williams 2 Jockeyfields Ludlow Shropshire SY8 1PU
Emails Website:
The Annual Public and Annual Meetings of Caynham Parish Council will take place at Knowbury Memorial Hall on Tuesday 7th March 2025 commencing at 7.00pm
1. Apologies
2. Chairman’s Annual Report
3. Financial Report
4. Report of Shropshire Councillor
5. Reports from the Village Hall, Clee Hill Forum and Recreational Hall Representatives
6. To consider any items raised by Members of the Public
Parish Council Meeting
- Apologies.
- Declaration of any disclosable pecuniary interest in a matter to be discussed at the meeting and which is not included in the register of interests. Members are reminded that they are required to leave the room during discussing and voting on matters in which they have a disclosable pecuniary interest, whether the interest is entered on to the register of members’ interests maintained by the Monitoring Officer
- To approve the Minutes of the previous meeting.
- Matter arising not included on the agenda.
- Chairman's Communication.To consider any items raised by the Chairman not of a financial or policy nature.
- Planning Items.To consider any planning items received before the meeting and any other planning issues that may arise.
- Highway/Amenity Items
- Reports from Outside Organisations to which the Parish Council has an appointed representative.
- Financial Items Approval of Accounts for Payment
- Items from Parish Councillors
- Next Meeting – Tuesday 13th May 2025 – Annual Meeting of the Parish Council
C E Williams
Clerk to the Council